–She Began




She began to wear the colours of the sea;

aquamarine, emerald, and turquoise.

She began to dream about the sea and its creatures.

In one she saw a huge white shape in the shallows.

A benign presence she thought,

possibly a Beluga.

She felt drawn to place her hand on its immense back;

to trust it to lead her.

She was tired of leading herself.

In that moment, the sea opened like gigantic flower;

its throat , the curl of a wave, a living tunnel of light.

The vortex pulled her spirit toward it;

her body trembled.

Should she trust the creature to guide her;

or should she build a raft of words as she had many times before;

to keep from being impelled through

the aquamarine, emerald and turquoise,

into the indigo.


(published in ,”Island Writer Magazine” December, 2010)

copyright by Kamala Moore 2010

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